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Counting your blessings and breaking bread

Photo credit to Danny Zofness

Often times, we sit down at the dinner table, we’ll start with saying grace.  Some are short and rituals phrases, some are more sporadic with a longer list of thanks and requests, none the less grace is a time for us to give thanks for the meals and having the means to provide the meal.   Today, I am bowing my head with thanks for these blessing for Gwin’s Tiny Kitchen.

Within the last week, two huge moment landmarks the reality that this tiny kitchen is turning into a much bigger business.  The St.Louis Journal announced their 40 under 40 2021 class, and I was one of the selected.  This was followed up with a cover feature story of this year’s Food edition for Kirkwood Lifestyle .

I never would have imagined a year and half ago that this would be where I ended up.   I started this as a distraction from the pain I felt from losing my tenured job.  Ten years of service ended with a 20 second phone call.  The wind was taken out of my sail.  I had given so much, and was returned with so little.    Who knew that videos about making butter in mason jars, or talking about the different types of flours would evolve the way it did.   I think we all were looking for ways to connect, and be distraction for what was happening around us.  And just like that the wind was blown back in my sail with requests for zoom lessons, recipes, and in person teaching.   So it all begin.

In the most celebratory ways, one of my first dives was bread making like so many others.  So to break bread with friends, I’d love to share the recipe for the easiest bread you can make.  No knead bread!  All the work is done by the yeast and it requires nothing but time – like 12 hours of your time.  This is a bread I’d stir and make right before bed and then have it later that day for lunch.  We all loved it and it was a wonderful segway to bread making.

I have found that in testing the King Arthur’s recipe does come our the best.  Crust is crispy and inside is chewy with an aroma that fills your house with warm bread smells. It’s the best!

King Arthur’s No Knead Bread recipe

So today, I say a thanks to the community around me for your love and support.  Let us break bread and be merry!


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